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Friendly Meeting 2021 for International Students

"Friendly Meeting 2021 for International Students" was held on Friday, June 11th. The event used to be conducted to expand the support to our international students by the faculties of NCU and local residents in the form of face to face gathering but it was held in this time online due to the state of emergency.
There were 67 participants which includes 36 international students from 7 countries, 10 Japanese students, 17 faculties and 4 guests. They enjoyed the exchange activities and deepened their friendship. International students currently taking online classes from overseas were connected to the event and ex-NCU international students also joined the meeting.
Nagoya City University promotes international exchange activities by using online methods.


Musical instrument performance by an international student


Presentation of picture book movie by international students

Photo session

Photo session

?Greeting from President of NCU, Director of NCU International Exchange Centre and the guest speaker
?Message from Head of International Students Association and self-introduction of some international students
?Performance by international students - Musical instruments and picture book movie
?Talk Session by dividing to small groups
?Photo Session
?Closing Remarks