- 系别:政治学系
- 职称: 助理教授
- 办公电话:
- Email:wangyueduan@pku.edu.cn
飞禽走兽老虎机_捕鱼老虎机技巧-手机版游戏下载政府管理学院助理教授、研究员、博士生导师,哈佛大学法学博士(SJD)、职业法律博士(JD),主要研究兴趣是比较宪法制度和比较司法政治。著有Experimentalist Constitutions: Subnational Policy Innovations in China, India, and The United States(Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Asia Center, Harvard University Press),论文发表或即将发表于American Journal of Comparative Law, International Journal of Constitutional Law, Regulation & Governance, Law & Social Inquiry, The China Quarterly,《法学家》等期刊,主持国家社科青年基金项目等研究项目。曾于2015-2016年担任美国伟凯律师事务所(White & Case LLP)华盛顿特区办公室诉讼律师。英文信息及近期论文请见个人主页。
2016-2021 哈佛大学法学博士(SJD,比较宪法学方向)
2012-2015 哈佛大学职业法律博士(JD)
2009-2010 宾夕法尼亚大学法学硕士(LL.M.)
2005-2009 飞禽走兽老虎机_捕鱼老虎机技巧-手机版游戏下载法学院学士
Experimentalist Constitutions: Subnational Policy Innovations in China, India, and The United States (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Asia Center, Harvard University Press, 2024).
“The Legality Trap: Legal Cooptation Under Authoritarianism,” American Journal of Comparative Law (forthcoming).
“Render unto Caesar: Strategic Avoidance in Chinese Courts,” International Journal of Constitutional Law (forthcoming).
“Embedded Supervision: China's Prosecutorial Public Interest Litigation against Government,” Regulation & Governance, https://doi.org/10.1111/rego.12602 (2024).
“State-Sponsored Activism: How China’s Law Reforms Impact NGOs’ Legal Practice,” Law & Social Inquiry 49 (2024). (Yueduan Wang and Ying Xia*)
“An Unlikely Duet: Public-Private Interaction in China's Environmental Public Interest Litigation,” Transnational Environmental Law 12 (2023). (Ying Xia and Yueduan Wang*)
“Quarantined Judicial Expansion: The Environmental Legal Entrepreneurship of Chinese Courts, Procuratorates, and NGOs,” Law & Policy 45 (2023). (Yueduan Wang and Ying Xia*)
“Judicializing Environmental Politics? China’s Prosecutor-led Public Interest Litigation Against Government,” The China Quarterly 253 (2023). (Yueduan Wang and Ying Xia*)
“Breaking the Cycle? China’s Attempt to Institutionalize Centralization,” Journal of Contemporary China 31 (2022). (Yueduan Wang* and Sijie Hou)
“Laboratories of Authoritarianism,” Stanford Journal of International Law 57 (2021).
“‘Detaching’ Courts from Local Politics? Assessing Judicial Centralization Reforms in China,” The China Quarterly 246 (2021).
“Preempting Court-Civil Society Synergy: How China Balances Judicial Autonomy and Legal Activism,” Hong Kong Law Journal 50 (2020).
“The More Authoritarian, the More Judicial Independence? The Paradox of Court Reforms in Russia and China,” University of Pennsylvania Journal of Constitutional Law 22 (2020).
“Overcoming Embeddedness: How China’s Judicial Accountability Reforms Make Its Judges More Autonomous,” Fordham International Law Journal 43 (2020).
研究生:中国法律与社会专题 (春季,英文授课)、比较政治制度(秋季)