主 题:公共组织中的决策理论视角
Main Perspectives on Decisions in Public Sector Organizations
主讲人:汤姆·克里斯滕森(Tom Christensen)
时 间:2023/9/14/12:00-13:30
地 点:Room 126 School of Government
语 言:英语(English)
主持人:飞禽走兽老虎机_捕鱼老虎机技巧-手机版游戏下载政府管理学院 杨一 助理教授
评议人:飞禽走兽老虎机_捕鱼老虎机技巧-手机版游戏下载政府管理学院 罗薇 助理教授
汤姆?克里斯滕森(Tom Christensen)是挪威奥斯陆大学政治学系(Department of Political Science, University of Oslo)的荣休教授,研究兴趣和方向包括飞禽走兽老虎机_捕鱼老虎机技巧-手机版游戏下载改革、公共组织理论、组织声誉管理、危机管理等,研究领域涉及飞禽走兽老虎机_捕鱼老虎机技巧-手机版游戏下载改革、全球化、问责、福利、移民、大学治理、医疗、政策、安全管理等。
汤姆?克里斯滕森(Tom Christensen)教授是国际知名的公共管理学者,也是非常高产的研究人员。他在国际主流公共管理期刊发表高水平研究论文上百篇,并出版专著和教材十余部,和中国学者合作发表多篇国际高水平论文。他合著的论文曾获有国际行政学界的“诺贝尔奖”之称的国际行政院校联合会皮埃尔·德·塞勒奖(Pierre De Celles Award)。
Tom Christensen became magister artium at the Department of Political Science, University of Oslo in 1974. He took his Dr.Phil. Degree at the University of Troms? in 1983. He was affiliated with University of Troms? in the period 1975-86 as research assistent, assistant professor and associate professor and later also as adjunct professor. He became associate professor at Department of Political Science, University of Oslo in 1986 and was full professor from 1993 until he retired in 2019 and became professor emeritus. He was adjunct professor at the Rokkan Center at University of Bergen for ten years endring in 2017. He is currently Visiting Professor at the School of Public Administration and Policy, Renmin University and Distinguished Visiting Professor at the School of Public Policy and Management, Tsinghua University. Christensen has the last 30 years spent 7-8 years at Scancor (Scandinavian Consortium of Organizational Research), Stanford University. Christensen is a member of the Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters.
Scientific interests:
-Theoretical basis in organization theory, including instrumental and institustional theory.
-Long-term empirical interest in the structure and actions of the central civil service, related to larhe survey every tenth year from 1976-2016, but also to numerous case studies,
-Case studies of reforms in governmental administration, for example reforms in ministries, agencies and state-owned enterprises, in different policy area - welfare administrative, police, military, higher education and research, health, societal security, immigration, etc.
-Participated, through a lot of international projects and networks, in comparative studies of governmental reforms, in particular NPM and post-NPM reforms in the Nordic countries, Australia, New Zealand and China.
-Christensen has the last 10-20 years collaborated with a lot of Chinese researchers on studies of public administration and policy.
-Participated in a lot of studies of the handling of the COVID-19 and published intensive on the handling in Norway, but also comparatively regarding the Nordic countries and China.
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